$ whoami
> "Alberto Romero, I've been coding professionally since 2016 using React.js,
Vue.js, Python and Ruby. I have experience with frameworks/libraries
within the Javascript and Python ecosystems. I consider myself able to launch
any MVP for web products involving all the stack, from Front End duties to
setting up APIs to store/manipulate information, and, for the most part, **I 
love coding for a living."**

In case you want my CV 🚀

CV - Alberto Romero.pdf

Or my social media?

LinkedIn | Github | Blog

Open Source Contributions

Side Projects

OnePix (demo)

Developed a clone of r/reddit alongside Alan Munguia. Shared it with close friends via Instagram and one week later it was full of art from my followers.

The project was developed without web frameworks, pure vanilla JS and using the Canvas DOM API. We also use websockets powered by Actix-rs using Rust.



Video Demo


Piano Keyboard. https://github.com/aromeronavia/piano

Developed a Piano Keyboard using Nuxt.js (vue), TailwindCSS and Web Audio API (using OscillatorNodes). Hosted in Netlify.

This was just a demo to showcase how different waveforms sound, and I made a keyboard interface so whenever you press a key in your normal keyboard (not a MIDI piano) you can reproduce some songs. I played a Mario Bros song in this demo! You can use it here:

Piano Keyboard

Explore the Fret. https://github.com/aromeronavia/guitar-scales

Developed an interactive Guitar Fretboard using Nuxt.js (vue) and WebAudioAPI. Hosted in Netlify.

This tool helped me a lot to understand modern scale modes used in Music, to give different sentiments to songs. Having a visualization like this boosted a lot my improvisation skills, and I can tell it’s a tool that makes my life easier as a musician!

Play with it here:




Remote Control. https://github.com/aromeronavia/remote-control

Created a small UI to manipulate my SamsungTV. Used Websockets to establish a connection with my TV server, so I’d be able to play my favorite soundtracks/lofi stations with one click!

Really useful artifact when I’m working to put some mood in my TV.

Raycast Contributor - Todoist https://github.com/raycast/extensions/pull/2775

Opened a PR to contribute to the Todoist Extension (You should try Raycast if you haven’t yet!)

This extension allows the users to see their most important task pinned in the Top Menu of their Mac, just to get a constant reminder of what’s your biggest priority! Added this functionality inspired in the Eat the Frog productivity method I use normally for my duties


In Action:


<aside> 🎯 Most important task appears with the dart emoji at the top bar



Workat.coffee. https://github.com/aromeronavia/coffee-shops

I consider myself a Coffee Lover, so I developed a tool to find great speciality coffee and places to work remotely in Guadalajara. I used Nuxt.js (vue), TailwindCSS, Google Maps API. Hosted in Netlify**.**

Analytics to keep track of how many people uses the tool (it was in the order of thousands last time I payed for this service :P). Distributed this page within the NomadList community to people who showed in Guadalajara

Elixir School Contributions. https://github.com/elixirschool/elixirschool/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+author%3Aaromeronavia

When I used to learn Elixir back in 2016, I developed a small lesson about the different ways to manipulate Strings. It’s still up live in the Elixir School site!

